Ian anderson i remember…

7 min read

Ian Anderson (76) is the frontman and songwriter of the progressive rock band Jethro Tull, who, over 23 studio albums and countless tours, has made history as rock music's premier codpiece-clad flautist

As told to Becca Inglis



MY EARLIEST MEMORIES ARE OF HAVING TWO VERY OLD PARENTS. My mother was 42 when I was born, which back then was seriously old to have a baby, and a little risky too. My oldest brother was 14 years older than me and the middle brother ten years older. When I was quite small they had both left home. I grew up almost like an only child. I tended to amuse myself and play in the garden and draw and paint and shoot. I suppose you do learn as an only child that you're going to have to get on with life and find your own physical and intellectual titillation. You're going to have to find things that excite and move you.

I WAS SHIPPED OFF TO SUNDAY SCHOOL IN EDINBURGH WHEN I WAS SEVEN YEARS OLD. I felt a proper Charlie, because I was the only little boy among the Sunday school children who was wearing a kilt. On the two occasions I actually did go into the Sunday school, I was teased and felt embarrassed. I also felt rather threatened by the stories we were taught. Old-school Christianity was filled with retribution and anger that I didn't really enjoy. For the rest of my attendance at Sunday school, I didn't get closer than climbing a tree outside the church and hiding in the branches, waiting until the children came out, then dropping down to join the school crocodile and walking out of the church to be met by my parents, who were then reassured that I'd been to Sunday school as I was supposed to.

I DIDN'T WANT TO BE BEATEN BY AN OLDER MAN WITH A CANE [AT SCHOOL]. I felt there was something a bit weird about it. I couldn't help but think, Why does he seem to enjoy doing this? He got out his cane and was flexing it in preparation for giving me six of the worst, and I said, “I would really prefer, sir, if you didn't do that. I'm happy to submit to some other punishment, whether it's detention or lines, but I'm afraid I can't let you cane me, sir.” He said, “What do you mean? That's the punishment you're getting. Bend over.” I said, “I'm sorry, sir, I'm unable to do that. I can't help you out there.” He said, “Well, it's simple. Either you submit to a caning, or you leave school right now and don't come back.” I said, “That's your decision, not mine. If that's the way you feel, thank you and the school for blessing me with a secondary education. Sadly, I must

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