Random access memories

2 min read

Istarted a gaming pod because there are not enough podcasts with old men talking about pop culture from the past. In fact, I think I may well be the very first to try this bold and daring creative endeavour. I’ve put off doing a show like this for a long while now, and for so many good reasons. Firstly, what can I offer that This Week In Retro, Our Sinclair, The Computer Game Show and a million other podcasts don’t? Secondly, do I really want to commit to making a semi-regular and all the work that goes with it?

The answer is a hesitant, slightly unsure yes. I really have dived/diven/doved deeply into the world of retro gaming recently after sitting on the edge of the pool for a while. I think I can trace it back to seeing that Dragon 32 in a junk shop in Liverpool in February. That woke up some dormant gene in my body that has been growing and changing shape ever since then. You won’t be surprised to know that I did end up buying a Dragon, as well as a C64 Maxi and dug my old BBC with a Gotek drive out of the garage. I’m currently fighting the urge to buy a Spectrum+2, a battle that I will inevitably lose.

What’s made me want to go further into this universe is the incredibly warm welcome I’ve received. My Dragon was a bit shonky and not doing some things right. I tweeted about it and a guy that goes under the username of @HereBeDragons3 got in touch and offered to fix it for free. I was having some issues with my Beeb and went on a Facebook page and had a dozen individuals all doing their darndest to help me work it out. There are countless more examples.

I found this a little weird to start with. What do they want from me? I soon realised they wanted noth

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