Q is it a good pillion bike?

1 min read

What is the GX like for a passenger? RiDE office manager Alison Silcox finds out

Pillion grab handles are good

From a pillion’s point of view, the GX feels like a sportier sports tourer. When you climb on to the pillion seat it feels much taller than similar tall-rounders/adventure bikes due to the separate seat that’s stepped higher than the rider’s perch, rather than a one-piece rider/pillion seat.

I’m 5ft 10in and this step elevated me clear of the rider’s helmet – and while it gave me a fairly unobstructed view of the road ahead it put me more in the airflow. Some pillions may like this; others won’t.

On the go, I liked the position of the pillion grab rails. There’s lots of room between the rail and seat, which means your fingers don’t get trapped, and as the rails are nice and long you can vary the position of your hands with ease.

The drop to the pillion pegs is decent and so is the padding in the seat. I found that after more than an hour in the saddle I wasn’t experiencing any cramp or discomfort, which is very good. I’d certainly be happy travelling a fair distance on the back of the Suzuki.

During the ride I didn’t really notice the self-levelling suspension doing its thing, but the rider did comment that he didn’t spot the extra weight of the pillion in how the GX rode when in automatic