Andy symonds

1 min read
Andy Symonds calls out ‘sportswashing’ but believes in the power of humour in his cartoons. See andysymonds

The GB trail runner declined to participate in the 2022

Trail World Championships in Thailand because he felt he could not justify the flight. He works in renewable energy, is an ardent critic of sportswashing and draws brilliant cartoons depicting sport in the climate crisis.

‘When I refused to fly to Thailand in 2022, many people told me it made them rethink their own personal choices,’ says Symonds. ‘The main negative feedback was from a member of the GB selection committee, which I thought was particularly sad – she was of the opinion that “the plane would be f lying anyway”, which just shows how disconnected some people still are from the reality of the problem. Quite a few athletes are now refusing to fly and are promoting protecting the environment. But I’m surprised the majority are happy to ignore the subject.

‘Running is great for health and for society. If we go for a run, we’re making ourselves feel good and improving our wellbeing, without damaging the environment. If, on the other hand, we fly across the world to go for a run, and if we wear a T-shirt encouraging people to purchase an SUV and post pictures on (anti-) social networks to inspire others to do the same, then we’ve suddenly transformed a healthy and positive activity into a planet-wrecking activity.

‘Anyone involve

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