Ask dr mark

4 min read


This month our expert advises on mosquito bites, mammograms, Viagra, and the benefits of electric bikes

‘Cover up where possible and stick to the most effective repellents’
illustration DAVID DORAN

Q My husband and I have booked a Christmas cruise to the Caribbean. We are very sensitive to mosquito bites and would like advice on the most effective repellent to use on our trip. We would prefer a natural product like citronella, but haven’t found it that helpful in the past. We will try anything.

a Lucky you. Although you won’t be visiting the Caribbean during the worst time for mosquitoes – the wet season, typically between June and November – there will still be plenty about. And, as well as irritating bites, they can pass on infections like Zika, chikungunya, dengue fever and, in some islands in the region, even malaria (the risk is low). So please book in to your GP practice to discuss your exact itinerary and the precautions you need to take – if you haven’t done so already.

You are unlikely to be bothered on the ship, unless outside and close to shore. But you could be bitten when ashore – day or night. So cover up where possible and stick to the most effective repellents, namely those containing either high concentrations of DEET or the newer alternative, picaridin. Neither is ‘natural’, I’m afraid.

I am not that keen on DEET because it is oily, smells and can stain and damage clothing and footwear, but it does work well (go for the 50% version for best protection). Picaridin is much nicer to use, as effective as DEET and it may last longer – up to 14 hours for the lotion version, according to manufacturers. Whichever you choose, apply carefully, particularly to your ankles and lower legs. Enjoy your trip!

Q I have been taking Viagra for a couple of years, prescribed by an online private clinic (I was too embarrassed to discuss my problems with my own GP). At first I was taking 50mg, but recently I have had to increase the dose to 100mg and have noticed an odd side effect – my vision is blurred for up to a day afterwards. I have emailed the clinic but they just sent me a link to the manufacturer’s data sheet, which lists side effects but doesn’t really answer my question. Is it the Viagra that is causing my problem, or something else?

a Your question raises a few points. First, I would urge you to reconsider discussing this with your own GP. It is such a common conversation in the consulting room these days and your GP won’t bat an eyelid. Second, you will be able to get the medication for free (assuming you are eligible). Third, and perhaps most importantly, erection problems can sometimes be a sign of underlying health issues that predispose to an early heart attack or stroke – like high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes – or be a sign of low testosterone level

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