Bathing beauties

2 min read

From pine-scented bubbles to skin-soothing bombs, our columnist and bath aficionado finds the best buys for the perfect soak


Ialways think you can tell a great deal about someone based on their preference for showers or baths. Shower types strike me as people who’d have things like, ‘Highly motivated! Ambitious! Results driven!’ on their CVs. Bath people haven’t quite got round to finishing their CVs yet. They’re still ruminating on their thoughts while languishing in a restorative tub of bubbles.

Personally, I’m passionately team bath. Baths are the kindly therapists of the cleansing ritual world gently whispering, ‘And tell me, how does that make you feel?’ Showers are more akin to drill sergeants on SAS: Are You Tough Enough? yelling, ‘Pain is just weakness leaving the body – man up, dirtbag!’

Apparently, us bathers are in the minority – almost 60% of Brits prefer leaping into the shower. So, indulge me, shower people, while I sell you on baths.

Throughout history, baths have been linked with a host of physical and mental health benefits. Bathing can elevate mood by decreasing stress hormones. It soothes sore muscles, lowers blood pressure and calms the nervous system.

Baths even have a day dedicated to them. Yep, on 14 June, I’ll be celebrating International Bath Day, a date honouring Archimedes and the most memorable bathtub ‘Eureka’ moment on record, when he discovered the principle of buoyancy (although me trying to get fox poo out of a Shih Tzu’s coat might come a close second).

So, what are you waiting for? The water’s not just fine, it’s fabulous. Let’s leap in.

Hair, body and fragrance brand Ouai is the brainchild of celebrity hairdresser Jen Atkin, who tends to the Kardashians’ manes, and her bath bombs are a self-care revelation. Ouai Chill Pills Bath Bombs (£26, amazon. are formulated with

skin-soothing oils like conditioning jojoba and hydrating hemp seed to moisturise and soften skin. And don’t get me started on the divine jasmine and rose scent. It’s like bathing in silk.


Applying body moisturiser three minutes after your bath helps keep skin super soft

Bath time

Ouai Chill Pills
Apothecary Calm Bath Oil
Space NK Nordic Wilds Bubble Bath
Weslab Recover Bath Salts
The White Company Spa Unwind Candle

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