Celia imrie

2 min read


The world according to…

The actor and author talks flirting on cruise ships, her new novel and The Thursday Murder Club


My son Angus was born when I was 42, which might be regarded as a bit late. But as any mother will tell you, there are no rules for motherhood. I’d always wanted a child and I felt blessed when it happened. Like me and his father [the late Benjamin Whitrow], Angus is an actor. I’m proud of what he’s achieved – he was in Fleabag, played Prince Edward in The Crown, and he’s been in Richard II at The Globe. Some people probably know him from The Archers, where he plays Josh Archer.

Please don’t ask me if I listen every week. Have I really got to answer that? [She grins with embarrassment and shakes her head.] Isn’t that awful?

Don’t tell him!

Body matters

I’m 72 this month and am finally beginning to listen to my body. I do try and look after myself – watching what I eat, going for long walks – but I loathe ‘organised’ exercise – gyms and personal trainers and all that palaver. I was a bit naughty in the past. Instead of getting my aches and pains checked, I’d carry on regardless but, as a doctor’s daughter, I ought to have known better.

Seize the moment

I get asked if I want to retire but why give up something you love and that makes you happy? I’ve just finished the second series of The Diplomat for Netflix, which is set in the world of international politics. I went over to LA for a few years to film a series called Better Things. That was a whole new experience for me. I jumped on a ship, sailed across the Atlantic, bought a train ticket from New York to LA and took a chance.

I loved it… Hollywood was wonderful!

And now I’m excited to be in the film of Richard Osman’s marvellous Thursday Murder Club, playing Joyce.

I am delighted to be working with Dame Helen Mirren again, last time we did, we were a bit worried about some buns on a calendar! And   Pierce Brosnan and I were last seen together scuba-diving in Cannes filming The Love Punch. I love being busy and so look forward to the months ahead.

Cherished moments Celia with Julie Walters and Victoria Wood in the s

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