We’ve got mail

1 min read

A selection of messages from our readers across the globe

Ballindalloch Castle, Speyside, is known as ‘The Pearl of the North’


My oldest, dearest friend, more like family, visited Scotland many years ago, promptly fell in love with the rugged beauty of it all, decided immediately she’d come home, and stayed.

She is my daughter’s godmother, so when my mother, who was a volunteer on the C&O Canal, had the opportunity to go to a canal convention, she took my daughter to spend time with her godmother. My mother fell in love with the place, much like our friend.

She said it was one of the best trips she’d ever had, and she’s been to some pretty spectacular destinations.

Recently my mother has been diagnosed with dementia. She’s always been an avid reader, but sadly, it seems she just doesn’t have the focus to read a full book. She’d always wanted to return to Scotland, but I don’t see that happening.

I subscribed to your magazine, and it’s such a source of comfort. Every edition that shows up in our mailbox is a great day. She’ll look through it constantly, carrying it around with her, reading out excerpts to me – the same ones, over and over.

While that may sound irritating, it fills me with peace, as I know it’s giving her such contentment. This is a horrible diagnosis, thank you for providing such a wonderful ray of light with your beautiful magazine.

Monica Henkel, by email


I thoroughly enjoy Kate Francis’s columns. I have done for years, but I’m finally getting around to telling you.