
2 min read


Hasn’t 2024 come around quickly? I hope 2023 was a successful fishing year for you, assisted, of course, by the advice and inspiration Sea Angler provided! This month’s issue is another magazine packed with great features, expert reviews and the best advice on where, when and how to fish for a variety of species from shore and boat wherever you live in the UK.

Kicking off is Dr Roger Munro with an exclusive feature for Sea Angler readers on bites, striking and how to improve your hook-up ratio. We’ve all struggled with it: bites that, try as we might, fail to materialise into hooked fish. With an expert insight into fish behaviour Roger unpicks the problem and shares his ten top tips to turn more bites into fish. Don’t miss this great read starting on page six.

If turning bites into fish hasn’t been your problem then why not take the opportunity to add some distance to your beach casting with our pro guide to improving your off-the-ground casting with Dutch international Rob Punselie. Those extra 10 metres could make all the difference for catching that winter cod or that match-winning thornback you’ve been chasing. Check out Rob’s advice starting on page 12.

For those of you with fishing wanderlust Scott Belbin’s epic trip to Shetland will fill you with inspiration to take a trip north and experience the wild and wonderful fishing at the UK’s most northerly point. Giant cod, ling, haddock and coalfish make it an angler’s paradise with plenty of unexplored marks waiting to be found and fished by intrepid anglers like Scott and his family and mates. Why not add it to your 2024 fishing wish list? I know it’s going on mine.

For those of you wanting to get on the water closer to home Sam Cox explains, starting on page 52, how he restored a wreck of a boat on a budget and, with the help of friends and family, brought his boat, Raptor, back to life. Anyone looking for a winter project will take inspiration from how Sam was able to turn a rotting hull back into a slick fish-catch