Cosmic disorder

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Science and magic aren’t poles apart in new Marvel series GODS

DESCRIBED BY EDITOR Tom Brevoort as “What if Sandman and Saga had a baby in the Marvel Universe?”, Jonathan Hickman’s new ongoing series GODS is even more complex than House Of X and Powers Of X, his game-changing interweaving X-Men miniseries from 2019, or this year’s Ultimate Invasion.

“GODS is just as ambitious a project as House Of X and Powers Of X was, but in a completely different way and along different axes,” Brevoort tells Red Alert. “For GODS, while there are plenty of familiar faces along the way, all of the principal characters are brand new, so a lot of work has to be done to bring them on stage and to define the world they live in and move through.

“In a lot of ways, GODS is bigger and more ambitious than either House Of X/Powers Of X or Ultimate Invasion, but it’s also a lot more intimate and personal too, and a lot funnier than you’d think as well.”


While, as Brevoort explains, “a whole big chunk of GODS issue one takes place 10 years ago, so some of our players have been around and doing stuff for a long while,” integrating a host of new protagonists into the Marvel Universe is no easy task. “There’s a lot of new invoked here, even as such familiar concepts and entities as Eternity, Infinity, Lord Order, Master Chaos, the In-Betweener and the Living Tribunal are invoked,” he says. “And, frankly, the Marvel Universe can always use new characters and new ideas, to keep it from becoming stale.”

Cover art for the first issue, by Mateus Manhanini.

Illustrated by Valerio Schiti, GODS happens in the cracks that exist at the intersection between science and magic. “It’s really difficult to sum this up before anybody has seen issue one,” admits Brevoort. “Jonathan has developed a ‘universal field theory’ of the Marvel Universe in which magic and science are two aspects of the same thing, where if you follow the path of magic far enough you wind up at science, and vice versa. As such, our series restructures

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