Tales of the expecting

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Harry and Asta expect a new arrival in Resident Alien: The Book Of Life

WHILE SEASON THREE RECENTLY CONCLUDED ON the small screen, Resident Alien is about to return to comics (where it began). However, according to writer Peter Hogan, fans of the TV series should be wary of diving in at the deep end of the Steve Parkhouse-illustrated comic book.

“The books are very different to the show,” he tells Red Alert. “They’re basically two very different narratives, which are parallel stories rather than one being ahead of the other. Dark Horse have released the monthly comic in omnibus versions, so new readers can easily follow the whole story from the beginning, which will be a much more enjoyable experience than trying to jump in at Book Eight.

“The new readers who’ve been vocal about it all seem to be enjoying the books, so that’s all we could really have hoped for,” he adds. “But the TV show is very much doing its own thing, and so are Steve and I, so there’s not much crossover between the two versions at all.”

Like season three, seventh comic book volume The Book Of Love ended with a cliffhanger as Asta discovered that she might be having a baby, which could have wider implications for not just her and Harry but the whole world.

“That’s a reasonable assumption,” confirms Hogan. “The new series leads straight on from The Book Of Love, so we’ll find out if she actually is pregnant, and how they feel about it. We’ll also be dealing with family in the broader sense as Asta’s aunt Shona enters the story, and Harry and Asta will also be moving house and dealing with some of life’s harder moments as well. The crime element of the story kind of drops away now, as we emph

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