All mixed up

12 min read

The playful patterns in these winter accessories don’t always match up, but they always look good together!


This chunky colourwork scarf alternates shades and patterns for a fun and funky effect. It’s just the thing to elevate your winter style!


The asymmetrical patterns in this quirky cardi are so cute! Plus, with its puffy bishop sleeves, thick ribbed edges and dense stitches, it’s a warm and comfortable option that you can wear all winter long!


No two handmade mittens are ever exactly the same, so why not embrace the difference? These two warm mitts have different colour and pattern placements, but they look like a perfect pair when worn together!


By using the same patterns in opposing colours for each foot, you’ll end up with a fun set of not-so-odd socks! Make them for a friend who loves an unusual gift.


With a simple granny square and circle, you can create statement earrings that offer a surprise on each side. Just grab some yarn scraps from your stash and go!


Dare to be different with a stylish scarf filled with mixed-up colours and patterns! Designed by Jane Howarth

■ Hayfield Bonus DK (100% acrylic, 100g/280m), 1 ball of each: Burnt Orange (647), Silver Mist (678), Gilt (569), Cream (812), Denim (994), Light Grey Mix (814)

■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) hook

■ A tassel maker, 7.5mm


Tension is not critical for this project, but it may affect the yarn quantities required


Scarf measures 217cmx22cm (85¼x8½in) excluding tassels


tr3d Working in front of ch-sp, tr in skipped st 3 rows below

For a full list, see page 86


Scarf is worked in rows throughout. There is a Chart on page 87, which you should refer to. Each small square represents 1dc and each rectangle represents a tr3d (see Abbreviations). Read all RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right. Change colour at the end of every WS row. On the mosaic section, where a second colour appears in the row, skip the colour and make a ch for each skipped st plus 1; for example, if skipping 4 sts make a ch5. The first few rows of the Chart have been written out to guide you. You will need to split Denim and Burnt Orange into 2 balls: one for the mosaic sections and one for the blocks of colour on the left edge.


Using Burnt Orange, ch39.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [38 sts]

Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as a st throughout), dc in each st to end, turn.

Rows 3-4 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn. Change to Silver Mist.

Row 5 Ch1, 26dc, change to Gilt, 12dc, turn.

Row 6 Ch1, 12dc, change to Silver Mist, 26dc, turn.