Soft stripes

4 min read

Birthday gifts don’t come much cuter than this simple zebra, complete with delicate stripe pattern.

By Bernat

KNIT IN ALL colours!


**Cast on 3 sts using Yarn A.

Row 1 (Kfb) 3 times. [6 sts] Divide sts evenly onto 3 needles, PM and join to beg working in rnds.

Rnd 1 Knit.

Rnd 2 *K1, M1; rep from * around. [12 sts] Rnd 3 and alt rnds Knit.

Rnd 4 As Rnd 2. [24 sts] Rnd 6 *K2, M1; rep from * around. [36 sts] Rnd 8 *K3, M1; rep from * around. [48 sts]**

Knit 12 rnds even. Do not break Yarn A. Join Yarn B.

Next rnd With Yarn B, knit.

Next rnd *K4, M1; rep from * around. [60 sts] With Yarn A, knit 2 rnds. With Yarn B, knit 2 rnds. These 4 rnds form Stripe Patt.

Work even in Stripe Patt once more. Keeping continuity of Stripe Patt, beg decs as follows: Rnd 1 With Yarn A, *K4, k2tog; rep from * around. [50 sts]

Rnds 2 to 4 Knit.

Rnd 5 *K3, k2tog; rep from * around. [40 sts] Rnds 6 to 8 Knit.

Rnd 9 *K2, k2tog; r ep from * around. [30 sts]

Stuff Head.

Rnds 10 to 12 Knit.

Rnd 13 *K1, k2tog; rep from * around. [20 sts] Rnd 14 Knit.

Rnd 15 (K2tog) 10 times. [10 sts]

Stuff rem of Head. Break yarn leaving a long end. Thread end through rem sts and draw up tightly. Fasten securely.


Work from ** to ** as given for Head.

Next rnd *K4, M1; rep from * around. [60 sts]
***With Yarn B, knit 2 rnds. With Yarn A, knit 2 rnds.*** Rep from *** to *** 3 times more.

Keeping continuity of Stripe Patt, beg decs as follows: Next rnd *K8, k2tog; rep from * around. [54 sts] Knit 3 rnds even.

Next rnd *K7, k2tog; rep from * around. [48 sts] Knit 3 rnds even.

Next rnd *K6, k2tog; rep from * around. [42 sts] Knit 3 rnds even.

Next rnd *K5, k2tog; rep from * around. [36 sts] Cont as established, keeping continuity of Stripe Patt and dec 6 sts every following 4th round to 24 sts, stuffing Body as you work. Knit 5 rnds even.

Cast off knitwise.

Sew Head to Body, making sure to stuff generously at neck.


****Cast on 3 sts using Yarn B.

Row 1 (Kfb) 3 times. [6 sts] Divide sts evenly onto 3 needles, PM and join to beg working in rnds.

Rnd 1 Knit.

Rnd 2 *K1, M1; rep from * around. [12 sts] Rnd 3 Knit.

Rnd 4 As rnd 2. [24 sts] Knit 10 rnds even.

Next rnd *K2, k2tog; rep from * around. [18 sts] With Yarn A, knit 2 rnds. With

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