How to use your bonus numerology divination cards

4 min read

Our guest editor this July is fabulous Numerologist Sonia Ducie

My love affair with numbers started at a very early age. I recall seeing a lovely hedgehog outside the entrance to our pretty village church in Cardiff when I was six years old. It got me thinking about the immense difference between the life of that little creature at 6am and then at 6pm.

Then at Christmas my very favourite present was a book called The 365 Day Book, which gave little stories with moral lessons for each day of the year. I also made up games with numbers. I would stand absolutely still, close my eyes, then walk four steps ahead mindfully while saying the numbers out loud. I’d then turn to face the opposite direction corner by corner, stand still, then walk back four steps again. I would do this over and over until the bus came (4 = patience).

The first thing I noticed about these Numerology Divination Cards was the shape of the cards. The cards have eight sides (earth element), but there is another energy, the nine at the centre where the numerological message has been written. Nine contains the wisdom of the journey of the soul and all our experiences reminding us that wisdom can only come from within.

Discover more about the mystical power of numbers with your new bonus card deck!

Start here


1 You can choose a card at any time; upon waking, or before bedtime, when you are in a crisis, when you need general soul guidance or just for fun!

2 Meditate or reflect, ponder on your question and make sure you are clear about the question. A good question to ask is: ‘What do I need to know right now?’

3 Shuffle the cards in the deck and pick three or five cards while thinking of your question. The traditional way for a short reading is to pick three cards and to lay them out from left to right – past, present and future. Number 3 is the blueprint or plan. But if there is still confusion after reflecting on the first three cards choosing another fourth card from the deck can help to anchor in the original message, while opening up new possibilities. Choosing a fifth card can help you to gain clarity and to make sense of the reading. Number 5 is the number for change.

4 Choose three cards and place them left to right. Choose the fourth card and place it below (earth). Choose the fifth card and place it above (heaven).

5 Focus on the pattern of the numbers in the layout. Ponder on the numbers, messages, colours, shapes and intuitive impressions.

CARD 1 – THE PAST Looking at the past card gives you an insight into your behaviour, issues and past situations that may still be influencing you no