Snap a glimpse of spirit

2 min read

Reveal the meaning of orbs in photos with Past-life Therapist Jenny Smedley

Many sceptics will say that orbs in photos only became commonplace with the advent of digital cameras, proving that they are mechanically created. However, eminent scientists such as Professor William Tiller have told us that what we see through our physical eyes comprises of only ten percent of the known Universe. It therefore makes sense that a new invention, such as the digital camera, may help us see more, and that the ‘more’ could be spiritual in nature. So, what do orbs reveal to us?

Capture the colour

Orbs come in all colours and sometimes in several colours at once. Dazzling white orbs indicate high energy which is usually angelic, whilst those caused by dust particles are often dull. Vibrant orbs are particularly intriguing as they communicate specific messages from Spirit. If you capture an orb, study the spiritual symbolism of its colour to decode its personal message for you.

Spot the shape

If your orb takes on the shape of a creature or unusual object, it’s worth looking up the spiritual definitions of such things too. You may resonate with this deeper meaning. Orbs that move across the photo, seemingly leaving a trail are also something special. This is because nothing natural (except a double exposure) can create this effect that you’re witnessing.

Unveil hidden messages

If you notice these unusual patterns or motions, see if you can record them on video, especially if you’ve captured orbs in a particular location before. Genuine orbs can move far quicker than dust or insects can, so this can signify something special, especially if it is repetitive or circling around a certain person or object.

If you capture a particularly clear shot of an orb, you may wish to upload this onto your computer and enlarge it as much as possible. Doing so, you might well discover a face at the centre of it — and if you’re really lucky, you might even recognise it!

Trust your intuition

When there are a lot of orbs in a single photo people instinctively beli