Your horoscopes

15 min read

by Russell Grant


21 March – 19 April

Don’t just get on with everything without thinking about it first. Take some time to enjoy celebrations, friendships and special occasions. Be present and soak in the moment.


A crumb of uncertainty is creeping into a close relationship. For a while everything may have seemed so perfect. You thought you were both truly and madly in love, but reality has now set in. But, before you give up, try recapturing the joy by booking a romantic break. You will see things more rationally from a distant perspective and you will realise that you still both care deeply for each other.


With three planets in your property and financial zone you will notice a distinct change in money matters very soon. That same calmness and deliberate thinking which allows you to overcome small relationship problems could be successfully employed in the financial field too. In discussions of a money nature, it would be wise to think before you speak mid-November. A need for more financial stability will help you find swift solutions to money issues as the month comes to an end.


Don’t just look to the world around you to find happiness – this comes from within. Positive thoughts will attract better opportunities and as you adjust your outlook, the energy you radiate will have a wonderful influence on all your relationships. You have ideas you would like to put into your career but want to get life stable first before experimenting, such as working with a relative.


20 April – 20 May

Stop telling yourself you don’t have what it takes to succeed in your current aims. Have more confidence in yourself. You have the power to determine the direction your life takes. Choose the path that is likely to bring the most fulfilment.


You might sense something isn’t quite right and ignore it or you could be drawn into activities with some unsavoury people. Is this really where you want to be? Take some time as the month begins to investigate your choices. Tune into your intuition and choose relationships and activities that resonate with your heart. This will invite new connections into your life.


Financial foundations laid this month will pay dividends in the future. Money schemes and investments are the pivot around which you direct energy and attention. You should be feeling optimistic about anything you start because you are laying foundations for the months to come. Mid-November is a good time to reflect if you are truly satisfied with your work.


A workmate or friend needs your support and encouragement. Provide a listening ear