Your beginner’s guide to angel cards

4 min read

New to oracle cards? Spiritual ascension expert Calista explains all you need to know

Angel card readings can be deeply meaningful for those ready to connect with, and receive, loving guidance from their angels. Readings can be life-changing and can inspire ways to meet life challenges with greater ease while supporting personal and spiritual growth. Through using the cards, you can quickly realise you’re never alone in life. Our angelic brothers and sisters are forever with us, reflecting our potential and ability to rise no matter what…

Step 1: Get to know your cards

Oracle cards (and therefore angel cards) are based on the law of magnetic attraction. This means we always attract the cards that match our current state of vibration, and those that can direct us forward in our relationships, path, power and purpose.

We can make the cards an extension of our own inner knowing by merging our light with the energy of the deck. To do this, and with the cards you have, open your deck and bring the cards to your mouth. Using the idea of ‘source breath’ (a devotional form of breathing inspired by Archangel Raphael), inhale deeply, feeling yourself connect with your heart. As you exhale, sense your breath is golden as you infuse your divine light into each card. Before each card reading, or after others have touched the deck, use your source breath to cleanse and empower the cards.

Now fan the cards at your heart centre, with each image facing towards you. Open your heart to the cards and affirm aloud the following intention, or another that comes to you instinctively: “Loving guardian angel(s), may you help all of my card readings be accurate, beneficial and healing for all concerned. Help me to easily hear, sense, know and arrive at the truth of each reading as I strengthen my connection with you and the angels within this deck. Thank you. And so it is.”

Now your deck has been cleansed and consecrated, look at each card in turn. Connect with the angel, sacred symbol or virtue as you contemplate the words, colours, symbolism and innate light within. Pay attention to what angels call ‘truth-bumps’: energetic goosebumps that signify you’re receiving divine guidance and confirmations in the moment.

Step 2: Receive guidance

Begin to shuffle the cards, carrying in your heart a question you’d like answered, guidance on how to empower an aspect of your life, or simply asking: “Angels, what do I need to know right now?” If a card jumps out of the deck, this card is you. If no cards fall out, when you feel it’s time to stop shuffling, pick one or several,