How to use the cards

2 min read


Hold the cards to your heart and as you do say in your mind or out loud: “May these cards provide a link between myself and the divine, so that my wishes, hopes and dreams can manifest into my own reality.” Next, spray or carefully smudge some scared sage over the cards to cleanse them. Then simply shuffle. As you hold the cards, visualise cosmic divine energy surging through your hands and directly into the deck, as this will help you to form a strong bond with the cards.


Another simple spread is the two-card spread, the first card representing the immediate course of action, and the second card showing the possible outcome. Remember the 'final' outcome in any reading with any deck is always flowing and evolving as you do, so it merely means 'final' in the sense of the natural flow of the current energies at play.

CARD 1 This is the instant action to take CARD 2 This is the possible outcome


When you need advice right away, then a simple one card pull should do the trick, as it gives you direct and clear information to guide you in the moment. For this you can shuffle and cut the deck, taking the top card as your message, or shuffle until one card literally flies from the deck! I do many of my readings like this as you can see on my Instagram channel @karenkayfairy


To start, I would suggest doing a simple three-card spread. Shuffle until you intuitively feel it’s time to stop. Then take the top three cards and place them face-down in front of you, from left to right. If you have a special cloth or table for readings, then use this.

These cards will highlight actions needed to process on your manifesting path, or walk of wishes.

CARD 1 This is your message to help you right now CARD 2 This is your action message CARD 3 This is the possible outcome if the previous messages are implemented I would suggested reading the meanings and then meditating on each card to really absorb the messages on a deeper and higher level. Sometimes it takes time for the messages to seep deep into our subconscious.


When we allow ourselves to be free, and let our wishes rise like cream to the su