Be a beauty witch

8 min read


This summer, connect with the magic of natural ingredients and be your most dazzling self, inside and out

Some people may pass off beauty rituals as frivolous, but we would strongly disagree!

Think about it, they can bring balance to the mind, body and spirit and, we’d argue, are a vital part of spiritual self-care.

These practices can even be traced back to ancient civilisations – in Egypt, Cleopatra famously bathed in milk and honey, while rosewater has been used as a beauty tonic in Turkey for around 2,000 years.

Actress, author and holistic nutritionist Alise Marie agrees and is bringing beauty rituals up to date with her new book The Beauty Witch’s Secrets (Llewellyn, £15.99).

She wants to share her magical beauty secrets with the world to show how this spiritual self-care practice can light you up from within, boost confidence and help you find your true beauty.

‘Beauty rituals bring you back to the body, where your spirit resides,’ explains Alise. ‘The body is the temple of spiritual abundance, and must be treated with immense respect. You invite sacred energy in, you connect with your higher power, and you see that light in yourself once more that has perhaps been misplaced or forgotten entirely by everyday stresses, life changes, difficulties.

‘By taking the time you think you don’t have, to be present with yourself – to worship at the altar of beauty – invites new, bright energy, which inspires creativity and reveals confidence.’

Here, Alise guides you through a selection of self-care practices, whatever your stage in life.

The three stages of woman

Maiden, mother, crone – which one are you?

Remember, though, it’s not all about your physical age!

According to witchcraft, the life cycle of a woman is broken down into three stages, each of which has its own unique and very special energy.

‘The three stages of womanhood – maiden, mother, crone – correspond with the lunar cycles, as well as the seasons,’ explains Alise.

‘It’s important to note, too, that although these stages apply to specific phases in our lives, their characteristics can appear at any time. For instance, a hormonal breakout can occur when you’re 40, just as easily as dryness can appear when you’re young.

‘Eating a certain food can affect both your belly and your skin. Chemicals can damage your hair at any age. And stress will always show up on your face.

‘Your life is always changing, so