A ritual for… self-confidence

2 min read

Remind yourself of your power and get back in touch with your inner strength


Step one

Begin by creating your own confidence symbol. Find a length of red ribbon and wrap it around a gold candle. These bold colours send out a message of self-belief and authority.

Step two

Choose a calm, peaceful environment where you can be alone for at least 20 minutes. Ideally, it should be a quiet, minimalist space where your senses won’t be overly stimulated. Fetch a blanket and cushions if they help you feel more comfortable, but try not to add too much ‘clutter’ to your space. Place your candle on a flat surface in front of you and light it. Dim the lights to ensure the flame stands out. Allow yourself to relax into your surroundings and remind yourself you’re safe here.

Step three

Take slow, deep breaths. Try to clear your mind of any self-doubt and anxiety. Gently bring your attention to the candle and soften your gaze. Try to hold your sight and focus solely on the flame, without thinking about anything else in the room. Enjoy watching it flicker and change shape. Any time your mind wanders, bring your attention back to the flame.

Step four

With your mind immersed in its beauty, visualise the flame growing in size until it fills the space in front of you. Now imagine stepping into this warm, safe space. Picture the soft heat as you approach; you may feel a tingling sensation, and your hands and feet might start to feel warm. Sense the warmth soak through you until your whole body is aglow. Picture the bright energy filling you from head to toe, giving you strength and confidence.

Step five

Keeping your gaze on the flame, say to yourself, ‘I am empowered, I face my fears with ease!’ Repeat this affirmation as many times as you need to, until you truly believe the words. Then blow out the candle and allow your attention to return to your surroundings. You may wish to wiggle your fingers and toes to gently build sensation in your body and bring