‘we know angels are near’

7 min read

If you need proof the heavenly realms exist and are on our side, look no further…

‘I’ve never felt more at peace’

KELLY ANNE PROCTOR shares how the angels have played a part in her overcoming anxiety

When you feel overwhelmed or like it’s all getting a bit too much, just pop a couple of drops of this on your tongue,’ my friend Sheila said, gently pushing a little bottle with ‘Kelly’ handwritten on the tag into my hand.

Ever since I could remember, I’d been a proper worrier and overthinker.

In my early twenties, I was working in the advertising department of a local newspaper and that’s where Sheila, who sold ads by day and was a psychic medium as a sideline, came into my life.

It was a true case of synchronicity. Sheila changed everything for me.

She was so spiritual and knowledgeable, teaching me all about natural remedies; what would work for this, that and the other.

It wasn’t just me either. Sheila was a listening ear and giver of warm, wise advice to all of us at work.

She’d bring us messages from our loved ones in Spirit, too.

‘I’ve got your grandma here. She says don’t be worrying about your mum and dad. They’ll both be happy again,’ she told me once.

At the time, my parents had divorced. Sheila was spot on – both my parents went on to have new, happy relationships.

I’d always had a glimmer of interest in all things spiritual, but Sheila turned it into a burning light. I was soon racing through spiritual books and learning about crystals and tarot.

Dylan and me at Christmas

Browsing the shelves in WH Smith one day, a book called to me – Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers.

That book blew my mind and made me realise how you think and what you say when you wake up in the morning sets the tone for the day.

I started saying the affirmation, ‘Today will be a good day,’ every single morning. It was so powerful. I was thriving in my job and felt happier and more relaxed than I’d ever been.

Taking action

Then a huge change in my mid-twenties put the brakes on my spiritual journey.

In 2005, I had my beautiful son, Dylan, who’s now 17. This gorgeous baby was my everything to the point where I’d worry about him so much. In the process, I lost myself.

All my spiritual tools and techniques were cast by the wayside.

My spiritual development had regressed, and it stayed that way for years.

When Covid hit, that added another layer to my anxiety, which was already out of control, and I developed really bad alopecia, losing the entire front and top section of my hair.

Seeing the effect that all the worry had wreaked on my hair was a real wake-up call. Blimey… what next? A heart att