Heal from within

7 min read


Get the ‘medicine’ you need to find your true purpose and fulfil your heart’s desire

Whenever we find ourselves in ill health, we turn to others for wisdom and guidance. Before there were modern-day pharmacies, there were apothecaries dispensing medicines to those who sought to heal and be healed.

Now imagine if, instead of doctors and healers, we turned to animals to find our way back to health. This vision is brought to life by artist and speaker Cara Elizabeth. Born out of her journey to heal her trauma, she created the Animal Apothecary oracle deck and guidebook (Hay House, £17.99) as a companion for others walking the same path.

Each hand-drawn animal is infused with messages on being your own saviour, finding your life purpose, and bringing your deepest desires into the world. The animals of the apothecary have wisdom to share but, most importantly, they invite you to look inside yourself and discover your power to heal from within.

‘The answer to all life’s challenges is, and has always been, within you,’ explains Cara. ‘Animal Apothecary is merely a toolbox for developing self-awareness and connecting you to the answers that lie within.’

Each animal is here to accompany you as you manifest your heart’s deepest desires, overcome trials and step into your purpose. Treat each card like a ‘prescription’ to discover your healed, happy and highest self.


In the sea, the otter often floats on her back, receiving the Sun. This is an extremely vulnerable position. To be free from worry, and not distracted by what may lurk in the dark waters below, is a liberated state of being. This card asks you to be patient. Accept uncertainty, fully trusting that you will be taken care of, no matter what. Be wary of the mind chatter insisting you need to know the outcome now. Universal law does not resonate with the ego’s desperate need for instant gratification. Something is waiting to be received, but it can only be accepted if you open and allow it.

Your medicine

Otter’s medicine is to surrender and swim with the current of uncertainty and receive something far greater than your immediate and limited desires.


Octopus is able to change the colour and texture of her skin to camouflage her appearance. Her need to survive and endure every situation that caused her fear and suffering has created the magnificent creature she is. This card represent