Cut wa s te, save cash

2 min read

Super savers

Minimise food waste and save on your shopping bill in SIX simple and creative ways…

Did you know that more than 30 per cent of all food produced globally ends up in the bin, and household waste accounts for 60 per cent of all food waste?

Here, Holly Taylor, chef and co-founder of Kindling Restaurant in Brighton, shares her top tips and tricks on how to cut back on what you throw away…

Get creative with greens

Holly says: ‘A large proportion of green veg is thrown away because we don’t think it’s edible or don’t know what to do with it. But the green part of a leek still tastes amazing — it simply needs to be well washed and cooked for a bit longer than the paler part. The outer leaves of cauliflower are delicious roasted in the oven for five minutes at 220°C with a little oil and salt, and broccoli stalk is tasty sliced and pickled in a salad.’

Keep the peel

Holly says: ‘The peel from onions, garlic and shallots can be used to make an amazingly fragrant oil for dressing and cooking with. Save your trimmings in a bag in the freezer until you have enough to fill a large s aucepan. When you have enough, cover all the peelings with a neutral-tasting oil such as rapeseed oil and heat o ver a very low heat for 2-3 hours. Allow to cool, then strain and decant into bottles. This oil is lovely for cooking with, or as a base for a salad dressing or a dip for bread.’

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Holly Taylor
Photos: AdobeStock/Jo Hunt Photography

Freeze spice and citrus

Holly says: ‘Some of the most commonly thrown away food items are wrinkled chillies, pieces of mouldy root ginger and citrus fruits that have been zested and become dried out. If you keep all these things in the freezer, you can grate them straight from frozen. This means you can easily portion half a chilli,the zest of half a lime or 1tbsp of ginger without the rest going to waste. Once you have what you need, simply return the item to the freezer ready to use again.’

Bake a cake


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