April stars

4 min read

What do the stars have in store for you?

TAURUS 20 Apr – 20 May

Forget research and advice, you have all the answers within you, Taurus. Dig deep, and you could even come up with the meaning of life. From the 4th, you’re on a roll with getting paperwork sor ted. Have ever ything signed before the 21st, when Mercur y goes into a backspin, and you are cer tain of happy endings. Venus, your ruling planet, fills your char t with positive financial vibes from the 12th.

Rev up bir thday celebrations

GEMINI 21 May – 20 Jun

There are those that do, and those who don’t, those that dare and those that won’t — folk shouldn’t be in any doubt that you come into the former categories, Gem! The Full Moon on the 6th renews your lust for life, and it’s time to give your social scene a boost. You want more romance, and your cheek and charm leads the way to it. You have the X factor at work too, so apply for a promotion while the stars cheer you on.

Take the high road

CANCER 21 Jun – 22 Jul

If people are reacting to you in a different way, Cancer, it’s probably because circumstances have changed around you without you noticing. Take another look, regroup and explore fresh possibilities. Stimulating those grey cells can make dreams come true around the 5th, as Mercur y and Saturn link, reminding you that it’s never too late to learn. If you’re due rewards or some recognition, this is your month for those.

Share intimate moment

LEO 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Light and breezy, free and easy, Easter chicks have nothing on you, Leo. And what you give out you get back, with your popularity set to rise. Be sure to make the most of your ruler, the Sun, being in a fellow fire sign and filling your star char t with an upbeat vibe until the 21st. The New Moon prompts an anything–goes attitude and you could end up making an impromptu trip. As for romance, it’s your turn to lead the way.

Read terms and conditions at workplace

VIRGO 23 Aug – 22 Sep

It’s time to take a look at your budget, Virgo, and celestial bodies are helping you get creative with the financial comings and goings of your household. Your eyes are fixed firmly on the future, booking things to look forward to locally, and heading fur ther afield for wine, weddings or sun. Tightening bonds that already exist, or building trust with a newcomer, are the starr y predictions for your personal life.

Give your final answer

LIBRA 23 Sep – 22 Oct

Love and being loved, that’s the subject of April’s stars. Current romantic interests can be renewed and refreshed, Libra, while singles should feel a click when spending more time with a cer tain someone. You’re in the mood to compromise at home and at work, and life gets easier as a result. A mid–month b

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