March stars

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What do the stars have in store for you?

ARIES 21 Mar –19 Apr

Nice and easy does it. A laid-back version of you is emerging, Aries, and it’s a pleasant change of pace. Peace and harmony is the vibe filling your star char t. Just let go of anything that’s rubbed you up the wrong way recently and you can make fresh star ts. Allow your mind to drift and clever ideas come to you.

Money-making possibilities are also on the increase, thanks to Jupiter.

Create your own video

TAURUS 20 Apr – 20 May

Pigs might fly and pie in the sky! You down-to-ear th bulls aren’t a sign to get fanciful, but you can this month. Those you cross paths with could revive your ability to achieve your wishes. March delivers the year’s first eclipse, and it’s a nudge to spruce up that health and fitness regime, Taurus. Little by little is the starr y tip, and come October you could look and feel a million dollars!

Cherish those who mean the most

GEMINI 21 May – 20 Jun

Work, work, work! Your career goals are getting a boost as March begins, with determined twins destined for good things. Doing what you love and loving what you do becomes more impor tant from the 25th. A powerful Full Moon has you wanting to swap the same-old same-old for fresh joy. The same applies to romance! Expect the unexpected to knock your socks off, Gemini!

Organise meet and greet

CANCER 21 Jun – 22 Jul

Stop thinking and star t doing! You’re being swept up in a swirl of positive alignments. Nothing is too good for you, Cancer. Travel plans fixed around the New Moon on the 10th, are destined to go swimmingly. Signing up for courses that star t in September is another must. In matters of the hear t, forget the softly, softly approach — the fun comes from jumping in with both feet!

Make most of announcement

LEO 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Dig deep and prosper, Leo, now’s your chance to enrich life and love. Financially, joint projects are favoured, while staying power pays at work, so show suppor t for decision makers. From the 21st, your solar ruler helps you broaden your horizons, but first make sure you appreciate the here and now. An invitation to a must-attend event is on the cards in the second half of March.

Make special commitment

VIRGO 23 Aug – 22 Sep

Romantic potential is peaking in your star char t, Virgo. Plus, if you fancy adding friends to your existing circle, it should happen all by itself. Contracts may appear that give you more bang for your buck, too, as your money planet, Venus, springs into action from the 12th. March’s lunar eclipse reminds you of what and who you can rely on. At the month’s end, a secret is ready to be revealed.

Start new chat

LIBRA 23 Sep – 22 Oct

What’s happened so

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