Sign up now for our new big issue newsletters

1 min read

Every week we send our Inside Big Issue newsletter, providing behind-the-scenes snapshots of The Big Issue magazine. Now we’re launching two new newsletters tackling two of the biggest issues of the moment: work and the cost-of-living crisis.

Employment is high on the news agenda. Hundreds of thousands of workers have left the workforce since the pandemic, abandoning low-paid jobs for a better life, struggling through long-term sickness, retiring or leaving the country. In-work poverty has reached record levels and thousands have taken to the streets, withdrawing their labour to go on strike and demand better pay and working conditions in the face of a cost-of-living crisis.

Work is how we spend most of our waking hours, so it’s in all our interests to make it better. Working On It is a newsletter from the Big Issue for anyone looking to improve the working world.

Arriving in your inbox every Wednesday, Working on It will bring you a roundup of the most important stories about employment, pay, workers’ rights, work/life balance, the future of work and recruitment. We’ll keep you updated on current disputes, offer advice on how to improve your lot, and look at what other countries are doing that we could learn from. We’ll bring updates and opportunities from BIG ISSUE RECRUIT. There’s also a weekly recommendation of a show, film, book or TV or podcast series that’s creating a buzz around how we view work.

We know so much of the news on the cost o