The basics

1 min read

Getting confident with cash helps you to spend and save wisely

However you feel about money, it plays an important role in our lives. We’re often told it doesn’t grow on trees – we have to take care of it and grow it ourselves! So understanding the basics of what money is and where it comes from is a valuable skill.

Why money matters

Money pays for things like home, food and travel. It may not buy happiness, but it gives us the freedom to decide how we want to live. So if you want to save up for a new video game or dream of travelling the world one day, earning money and knowing when to spend and save it can help you achieve this. You can pay for things with cash (notes and coins) or by card or online, called digital money.

Where cash comes from

Having a job, doing chores and selling things we don’t need are all ways to earn money.

People earn different amounts, so while some have plenty of cash to spend, others might struggle to pay for the things they need. If this happens, our government may support people with money, called benefits.

Saving the pennies

Saving helps us pay for things we want but don’t need, like holidays, and also lets us put money aside in case of an emergency. Not everyone can afford to save, but if you do have cash to spare then paying it into a savings account helps it grow. A study shows that knowing we have