Big issue blueprint for change

4 min read

Talk about an impact. Just over a fortnight after we published our Blueprint for Change – our call on ALL political leaders to commit to ending poverty for good – Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a snap summer general election.

You’re welcome.

It’s worth reiterating what the Big Issue Group Blueprint is all about.

We know this is going to be the election of change. Over 100 MPs, mostly Conservative, have said they will not stand again. In addition, all polls point to a massive new influx of Labour MPs. It is a unique hinge moment in British political history, and all of us within the Big Issue community can make our voices heard as we call on the next government to put ending poverty at the heart of their policy agenda.

Big Issue is founded on an ideal of speaking for those without a voice, and of providing a platform for those frequently marginalised and ignored.

In addition, we have grown to become a body that works to create innovative solutions through enterprise, to unlock social and economic opportunity for the millions of people in the UK living in poverty. Here at the Big Issue Group, we know that poverty is a complex and multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-pronged approach. That is why the next government must adopt an investment mindset to end poverty. Investing in people hammered by poverty will give them the tools and money needed to change their lives long-term. Our Blueprint for Change is a call for whoever comes out on top on 4 July to make decisions that would help around one in five people in the UK living in poverty right now. There are 14 million people struggling to meet their most basic needs, including four million children. The last 30 years has seen the biggest increase in child poverty since records began.

Whether it’s Sunak or bookies’ favourite Keir Starmer as PM – or politicians from traditionally smaller parties such as the Liberal Democrats’ Ed Davey, Green co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay or SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn – looking to rid the scourge of poverty from the UK, this is what is needed.

“The time has gone for a light-touch approach from any incoming government. Clear and real change is essential. Failure to act now will be catastrophic,” said Big Issue founder Lord John Bird.

Each of Big Issue’s asks comes under one of the five poverty prevention pillars we have believe will help dismantle poverty and change lives through enterprise – housing, health and wellbeing, learning and