The Critic Magazine
26 August 2020
THE CRITIC's 112 page September issue: Doug Stokes on the illiberal network threatening academic freedom; Douglas Murray on the decline of satire; Nick Cohen on how Britain's tribal loyalties have been transformed; John Ware on the Corbynista's blame game; Michael Collins on a race killing that failed to make the headlines; Howard Jacobson on the meaning of being Jewish; Joseph Connolly on surviving a stroke on the NHS; Titania McGrath on the racism of non-racists; David Evanier on lifelong Communist - & spy - Morton Sobell; Daniel Johnson on Hannah Arendt; Laura Freeman on women walkers; Matt Ridley on evolution; Norman Lebrecht on the state of violinists; Michael Prodger on Raphael; Anne McElvoy on Beckett; Lisa Hilton on American fast food in Milan; Felipe Fernandez-Armesto on the glories of cultural appropriation in the kitchen; & Christopher North on taurine enthusiasts in France. Plus: Laura Dodsworth captures Jonathan Sumption (& four other lockdown lawyers); Hannah Betts selects an autumn wardrobe; Eleanor Doughty revisits Brideshead; Patrick Galbraith digs a pond; & David Starkey says sorry.
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