The Critic Magazine
26 October 2023

In the November issue of The Critic Barry Norris probes into the failure of any offshore wind power developers to bid for new contracts and makes some disturbing discoveries about the sustainability of making Britain’s energy supply dependent upon when the wind blows. Also, while Jaspreet Singh Boparai wonders why the Conservatives seem clueless about the role of the Arts Council in cultural spending, Pierre d’Alancaisez argues that whilst twenty years ago visiting museums and galleries was extolled as filling the void once occupied by church attendance, now the museum sector’s loss of confidence and purpose mirrors the churches’ decline. Ian Pace listens to Communist music, Rhys Laverty reappraises C.S. Lewis, Peter Caddick-Adams assesses the danger of other countries being drawn into Israel’s conflict with Hamas, and Patrick Kidd looks at whether including minor underdog nations serves well the football, cricket and rugby world cups. All this and the customary survey of contemporary arts, culture and mores from The Critic’s top team of reviewers and correspondents.

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