Beadnell bay

4 min read

This bright and breezy jumper has a rippling stitch pattern knitted in a shimmering yarn


The pattern combines stripes and textured stitches
Beadnell Bay

LIKE SUNLIGHT sparkling on the sea, the pattern on this jumper design from Sarah Hatton uses slip stitches and twisted stitches, and two ocean shades, to produce a rippling, textured stripe effect. The yoke and sleeves are knitted in stocking stitch. West Yorkshire Spinners’ Elements yarn provides a light, lustrous and draping fabric, and comes in 18 delicious shades.


Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, cast on 113 (125:137:149:163:173) sts.

Row 1 (RS): K1, *P1, K1; rep from * to end. Row 2: *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1. These 2 rows set rib. Cont in rib as set for 6 (6:6:7:7:7) cm, ending with WS facing for next row.

Next row: Rib to end, inc 1 st at end of row. 114 (126:138:150:164:174) sts.

Change to 4mm needles. Row 1 (RS): Using yarn B, knit. Row 2: Using yarn B, knit. Row 3: Using yarn B, K2 (2:2:2:3:2),
*Sl 2, K4, rep from * to last 4 (4:4:4:5:4) sts, Sl 2, K2 (2:2:2:3:2). Row 4: Using yarn B, P2 (2:2:2:3:2),
*Sl 2 wyif, P4, rep from * to last 4 (4:4:4:5:4) sts, Sl 2 wyif, P2 (2:2:2:3:2). Row 5: Using yarn A, K2 (2:2:2:3:2),
*T2R, K4, rep from * to last 4 (4:4:4:5:4) sts, T2R, K2 (2:2:2:3:2).

Row 6: Using yarn A, knit. Row 7: Using yarn A, K5 (5:5:5:6:5),
*Sl 2, K4, rep from * to last 1 (1:1:1:2:1) sts, K1 (1:1:1:2:1). Row 8: Using yarn A, P5 (5:5:5:6:5),
*Sl 2 wyif, P4, rep from * to last 1 (1:1:1:2:1) sts, P1 (1:1:1:2:1). Row 9: Using yarn B, K5 (5:5:5:6:5),
*T2R, K4, rep from * to last 1 (1:1:1:2:1) sts, K1 (1:1:1:2:1). Row 10: Using yarn B, knit. Rows 3 to 10 set pattern.

Working in patt as set throughout, cont until work meas 39 (39:39:40:41:42) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Cast off 5 (6:7:9:11:12) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 104 (114:124:132:142:150) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 (7:7:9:11:13) rows then on 2 (1:2:2:2:1) foll RS rows. 90 (98:106:110:116:122) sts.

Cont without shaping until armhole meas approx. 9 (11:13:13:14:15) cm, ending with row 9 and WS facing for next row.

Next row (WS): Using yarn B, K7 (2:3:1:3:1),
*K2tog, K13 (11:12:13:10:11), rep from * to last 8 (5:5:4:5:4) sts, K2tog, K6 (3:3:2:3:2). 84 (90:98:102:106:112) sts. **

Using yarn A, beg with a K row and working in st st throughout, cont until armhole meas 19 (21:23:24:25:26) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Cast off 8 (9:11:11:12:13) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 68 (72:76:80:82:86) sts. Cast off 8 (9:11:12:13:14) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

52 (54:54:56:56:58) sts.

Leave rem sts on a holder.


Work as g