
3 min read

A fresh, pretty colour palette is used for this yoked Fair Isle top


THIS YOKED, short-sleeved jumper from Mary Henderson is knitted from the top down to hip length. It’s decorated with bands of traditional Fair Isle motifs, paired with corrugated ribbing at the hem and sleeve cuffs. The fit is relaxed and is designed to be worn with around 4-13cm of positive ease. The sleeves and neckline are finished with an i-cord cast-off for a smart and colourful look. Mary’s design is knitted in five cheerful shades of Jamieson & Smith’s Jumper Weight wool.


All charts are worked in st st in the round.



Using smooth waste yarn and 3mm crochet hook, chain approx. 5 more chains than the number of stitches need for the cast-on. Turn. Using yarn A and 3.25mm circular needles, pick up and knit the number of stitches directed in the pattern through the bumps on the back of the crochet chain, leaving the remainder of the chain unworked.


Cast on 2 sts to LH needle using the knitted cast-on method. *K1, K2tog tbl, slip these 2 sts back to LH needle; rep from * until only 2 sts rem on LH needle, K2tog. Cut yarn, leaving a 10cm tail, and join to beg of rnd using slip stitch or grafting method.



Work Rnds 1-10 of Chart A1. Work Rnds 1-5 of Chart B.

Work Rnds 1-11 of Chart C1. Work Rnds 1-5 of Chart D. Work Rnds 1-10 of Chart E1. Work Rnds 1-5 of Chart D. Work Rnds 1-13 of Chart F1. Work Rnds 1-5 of Chart D. Repeat these 64 rnds for pattern.


Using 3.25mm circular needles, 40cm long, yarn A and a provisional cast-on method (see Special Techniques), cast on 156 (168:180:192:204) sts. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Pm for beg of rnd, and pm after first 78 (84:90:96:102) sts to mark halfway point.

Note: change to longer circular needles as sts allow.


Work Rnds 3-5 of Chart D.

Work Rnds 1- 10 (10:10:12:12) of Chart A1 (A1:A1:A2:A2), working 4-st repeat 39 (42:45:48:51) times around.

Work Rnds 1-2 of Chart B.

Inc rnd 1: Working Rnd 3 of Chart B, *patt 2 (0:2:0:2), (patt 2, M1) to 4 (0:4:0:4) sts before mrk, patt 4 (0:4:0:4); rep from * once more.

36 (42:42:48:48) sts inc’d in each half; 228 (252:264:288:300) sts total: 114 (126:132:144:150) sts in each half.

Work meas approx. 5 (5:5:5½:5½) cm from cast-on.

Work Rnds 4-5 of Chart B.

Work Rnds 1-