
3 min read

Add the Diamond Fantasia lace sections to your shawl with the third instalment of our knitalong project


Part 3

IN THE third instalment of our four-part knitalong, we bring you the instructions for working the Diamond Fantasia lace sections. Kath Andrews’s design is knitted in McIntosh BFL, a hand-dyed 4ply yarn spun from British Bluefaced Leicester wool.



Row 1 (RS): K5, *yo, sk2po, yo, K5; rep from
* another 7 times, yo, sk2po, yo, K5. 77 sts. Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl. Row 3: K3, K2tog, yo, *K3, yo, SSK, K1, K2tog, yo; rep from * another 7 times, K3, yo, SSK, K3. Row 5: K2, K2tog, yo, K1, *K1, yo, SSK, K1, yo, sk2po, yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K1; rep from * another 3 times, (K1, yo, SSK) twice, K2.

Row 7: K4, yo, *SSK, K1, yo, SSK, K3, K2tog, yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo; rep from * another 3 times, SSK, K1, yo, SSK, K4. Row 9: K5, *(yo, SSK, K1) twice, K2tog, yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K5; rep from * another 3 times, yo, SSK, K1, yo, SSK, K3. Row 11: K3, yo, SSK, *K1, yo, SSK, K1, yo, sk2po, (yo, K1, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, yo, SSK; rep from * another 3 times, K1, yo, SSK, K1, yo, SSK, K2.

Row 13: K4, yo, *SSK, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo; rep from * another 7 times, SSK, K1, K2tog, yo, K4.

Row 15: As for Row 1.

Row 17: As for Row 3.

Row 19: K2, K2tog, yo, K1, *K2tog, yo, K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K2, yo, SSK, K1, yo, sk2po, yo, K1; rep from * another 3 times, K2tog, yo, K2, yo, SSK, K2.

Row 21: K4, K2tog, *yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, SSK, K1, yo, SSK, K3, K2tog; rep from * another 3 times, yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K4. Row 23: K3, K2tog, yo, *K1, K2tog, yo, K5, (yo, SSK, K1) twice, K2tog, yo; rep from * another 3 times, K1, K2tog, yo, K5. Row 25: K2, K2tog, yo, K1, *(K2tog, yo, K1) twice, (yo, SSK, K1) twice, yo, sk2po, yo, K1; rep from * another 3 times, K2tog, yo, K1, K2tog, yo, K3.

Row 27: As for Row 13.

Row 28: Purl.


Begin where you finished the end of Part Two, with yarn B attached, continuing with 3mm needles.


Join yarn A, leaving yarn B attached. Row 1 (yarn A, RS): Sl 1 wyif, K2, slm, K2, Sl 1 wyib, *K7, Sl 1 wyib; rep from * to 2 sts before mrk, K2, slm, K3.

Row 2 (yarn A, WS): Sl 1 wyif, K2, slm, K2, Sl 1 wyif, *K7, Sl 1 wyif; rep from * to 2 sts before mrk, K2, slm, K3.

Row 3 (yarn B): Sl 1 wyif, knit to end, slipping mrks as reached. Row 4 (yarn B):