
4 min read

This sweater has a plump and cosy fabric thanks to its intricate cable patterning


A HANDSOME fabric of lattice-like cables is enhanced by narrow columns of ‘OXO’ cable motifs running down the front and back of this design by Lisa Richardson. The jumper has set-in sleeves, and is sized to fit chests of 32in to 62in. It’s knitted in Rowan’s DK-weight Moordale, which blends British wool and British alpaca, and gives a lustrous fabric with a soft halo. It’s available in 18 nature-inspired shades and modern brights.


Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 114 (126:138:150:162:174:186:198) sts.

Row 1 (RS): K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to end.

Row 2: P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form rib. Work in rib for another 13 rows, ending after a RS row.

Row 16 (WS): Rib 4 (5:6:5:6:7:8:6), (rib 1, M1, rib 3, M1, rib 1) 21 (23:25:28:30:32: 34:37) times, rib 5 (6:7:5:6:7:8:7). 156 (172:188:206:222:238:254:272) sts.

Change to 4mm needles.

Beg and ending rows as indicated on Body chart, repeating the 12-st patt repeats the number of times stated across each row and repeating the 16-row patt repeat throughout, cont in patt from chart for Body as foll:

Cont straight until Back meas 43 (43½:44: 44½:45:45½:46½:47½) cm, ending after a WS row.


Keeping patt correct, cast off 8 (9:10:11:12: 13:14:15) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 140 (154:168:184:198:212:226:242) sts.

Dec 1 st at each end of next 11 (11:13:15:15: 17:19:21) rows, then on every foll RS row 3 (5:5:6:8:8:10:13) times.

112 (122:132:142:152:162:168:174) sts.

Cont straight until armhole measures 20 (21½:23:24½:26:27½:28½:29½) cm, ending after a WS row.


Next row (RS): Cast off 7 (8:9:10:11:12:13:13) sts, patt until there are 28 (31:33:37:40: 42:44:45) sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder.

Work each side of neck separately. Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows


cast off 8 (9:9:11:12:12:13:13) sts at beg of 2nd row, then 8 (9:10:11:12:13:13:14) sts at beg of foll alt row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 8 (9:10:11:12:13:14:14) sts.

With RS facing, slip centre 42 (44:48:48:50: 54:54:58) sts onto a holder (for neckband), patt to end.

Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.


Work as given for Back until 14 (14:16:16:18: 18:18:20) rows less have been worked than on Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending after a WS ro