
2 min read

These cosy, textured legwarmers in Shetland wool will be super quick to knit!


LOOKING FOR a quick-knit Christmas gift, or an easy weekend project? These legwarmers from Mary Henderson are sure to fly off your needles! Knitted in The Croft Aran, a Shetland wool from West Yorkshire Spinners, they feature bands of ribbon-like slip stitch patterning around the top and bottom, which combines a solid shade with a tweedy variegated colourway. A simple lice stitch colourwork pattern is knitted around the legs.



(worked flat)

Row 1 (RS): Knit in yarn A.

Row 2 (WS): Purl in yarn A.

Row 3: Using yarn B, K1, *K3, Sl 1 pwise wyib; rep from * to last 4 sts, K to end.

Row 4: Using yarn B, K4, *Sl 1 pwise wyif, K3; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 5: Knit in yarn A.

Row 6: Purl in yarn A.

Row 7: Using yarn B, K1, *K1, Sl 1 pwise wyib; K2; rep from * to end.

Row 8: Using yarn B, *K2, Sl 1 pwise wyif, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 9: Knit in yarn A.

Row 10: Purl in yarn A.

Rows 11-18: Rep rows 3–10 once more.


(worked in the round) Rnds 1-2: Knit in yarn B.

Rnd 3: Using yarn A, *K3, Sl 1 pwise wyib; rep from * to end.

Rnd 4: Using yarn A, *P3, Sl 1 pwise wyib; rep from * to end.

Rnds 5-6: Knit in yarn B.

Rnd 7: Using yarn A, *K1, Sl 1 pwise wyib, K2; rep from * to end.

Rnd 8: Using yarn A, *P1, Sl 1 pwise wyib, P2; rep from * to end.

Rnds 9-10: Knit in yarn B. Rnds 11-18: Rep rows 3–10 once more.


Using 4.5mm needles and yarn A, and the long-tail method, cast on 53 (57:61:65) sts.

Knit 1 row.

Begin working Lower Border Ribbon Band pattern repeat for total of 18 rows.

Using yarn A, knit 2 rows.

Change to 5mm needles. Next rnd: Using your preferred method for joining in the round, K to last st, pm, K2tog last and first st.

52 (56:60:64) sts.

Work Rounds 1-12 of Chart 4 times, repeating the 4-st patt 13 (14:15:16) times across