
3 min read

Add a knitted-on lace edging to complete your shawl, with the final instalment of our knitalong project


Part 4

IN THE final instalment of our four-part knitalong, we bring you the instructions for adding the knitted-on lace edging to your shawl. Kath Andrews’ design is knitted in McIntosh BFL, a hand-dyed 4ply yarn spun from British Bluefaced Leicester wool.


All slipped stitches are to be slipped wyif. This is a knitted-on edging, and joining sts (JS) are all worked at the end of WS rows. Begin joining at the end of Row 2, with the WS of the edging AND the WS of the wrap facing.

Single joining stitches are used throughout except at Corners (note Corners A and B are slightly different). To work a joining stitch(JS), see Special Abbreviations. When working multiple joining stitches (double or triple), simply work the first join as usual, then work the next join(s) when
reached into the same slip stitch as the first. 107 repeats of the Edging Pattern are used in Part Four. As you approach the final corner, double-check the number of joins remaining and the number of rows required to end with Row 16. If necessary add/remove multiple joins at this corner to ensure you finish the edging with Row 16.


Row 1 (RS): Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K9. 14 sts.

Row 2 (WS): KFB, K3, yo, K2tog, K4, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 15 sts.

Row 3: Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K10.

Row 4: KFB, K5, yo, K2tog, K3, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 16 sts.

Row 5: Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K4, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, SSK, K2.

Row 6: KFB, K7, yo, K2tog, K2, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 17 sts.

Row 7: Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K3, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, SSK, K2.

Row 8: KFB, K9, (yo, K2tog, K1) twice, JS. 18 sts.

Row 9: Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K4, yo, K2tog, yo, s2kpo, yo, K4.

Row 10: K1, K2tog, K6, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 17 sts.

Row 11: Sl 1 wyif, (yo, K2tog) twice, K5, yo, s2kpo, yo, K4.

Row 12: K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog twice, yo, K4, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 15 sts.

Row 13: As for Row 3.

Row 14: (K1, K2tog) twice, yo, K5, yo, K2tog, K1, JS. 14 sts.

Row 15: As for Row 1.

Row 16: K2, K2tog, yo, K6, yo, K2tog, K1, JS.


With WS of wrap facing, locate 7th slip st from the bottom on the right-hand long edge on the main body of shawl. This is where the first joining stitch (JS) will be made – with WS facing.

Corner A: continue working Edging Pattern with joins as follows: Long Edge: 4 double joins, 1 triple join. Short Edge: 1 triple join, 3 double joins.