
3 min read

Delicate cables and travelling stitches create a fascinating pattern on this neat hat



The 1x1 corrugated rib used in the brim is well known for curling up. Knitting each stitch through the back of the loop in Round 1 should help stop this from happening. If it still does curl, try a different cast-on method or a stickier yarn.

An alternative cast-on we would recommend is the Twisted German (or Old Norwegian) cast-on. This is based on the long-tail method but involves an extra twist in the long-tail yarn (held around the thumb) to create a deeper and firmer cast-on edge. For a guide to this cast-on, see our masterclass online at: For all cabling and travelling stitches, you need to work each stitch in the colour of the previous rnd.


Using 3.75mm circular needles and yarn A, cast on 128 sts. Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.

Rnd 1: *K1tbl in yarn A, K1tbl in yarn B; rep from * to end.

Rnd 2: *P1A, K1B; rep from * to end. Rep rnd 2 another 8 times.


Change to 4.5mm needles.

Work Rnds 1-16 of Chart A or follow written instructions as foll:

Rnds 1, 2, and 4: *(K1A, K1B) 3 times, K4A, (K1A, K1B) 3 times; rep from * to end. Rnd 3: *K1A, C4F, K1B, K5A, K1B, C4B; rep from * to end. Rnd 5: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K1A, C2F, K3A, C2B, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 6: *(K1A, K1B) twice, (K2A, K1B, K1A) twice, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 7: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K2A, C2F, K1A, C2B, K1A, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnds 8 and 10: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K3A, K1B, K1A, K1B, K2A, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end.

Rnd 9: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K3A, C4B, K1A, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 11: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K2A, C2B, K1A, C2F, K1A, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 12: *(K1A, K1B) twice, (K2A, K1B, K1A) twice, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 13: *(K1A, K1B) twice, K1A, C2B, K3A, C2F, (K1A, K1B) twice; rep from * to end. Rnd 14: *(K1A, K1B) 3 times, K4A, (K1A, K1B) 3 times; rep from * to end. Rnd 15: *K1A, K1B, K1A, C4B, K3A, C4F, K1A, K1B; rep from * to end.

Rnd 16: As rnd 14.

Work rnds 1-12 once more.


All crown decreases are worked on the odd-numbered rnds.

Work rnds 1-16 of Chart B or follow written instructions as foll: Rnd 1: *K1A, K3tog in yarn B, K1A, C2B, K3A, C2F, K1A, K3tog tbl in yarn B; rep from * to end. 96 sts. Rnds 2 and 4: *(K1A, K1B) twice,