
3 min read

This alpaca scarf combines vertical and horizontal stripes worked in brioche and garter stitch



Using 3.75mm needles and yarn A, cast on 56 sts.

**Joining in and breaking off colours as required, cont as folls: Rows 1 and 2: Using yarn A, knit. Rows 3 and 4: Using yarn B, knit. Rows 5 to 16: As rows 1 to 4, 3 times. Rows 17 and 18: Using yarn A, knit.

***Change to double-pointed needles. Place markers at both ends of last row.

Row 19 (RS): Using yarn C, K1, *K1, sl1yo; rep from * to last st, K1, do NOT turn but slide all sts back to opposite end of needle. Row 20 (RS): Using yarn A, K1, *sl1yo, brp1; rep from * to last st, K1, turn. Row 21 (WS): Using yarn C, K1, *sl1yo, brp1; rep from * to last st, K1, do NOT turn but slide all sts back to opposite end of needle.

Row 22 (WS): Using yarn A, K1, *brk1, sl1yo; rep from * to last st, K1, turn. Row 23 (RS): Using yarn C, K1, *brk1, sl1yo; rep from * to last st, K1, do NOT turn but slide all sts back to opposite end of needle. Row 24 (RS): Using yarn A, K1, *sl1yo, brp1, rep from * to last st, K1, turn. Row 25 (WS): Using yarn C, K1, *sl1yo, brp1, rep from * to last st, K1, do NOT turn but slide all sts back to opposite end of needle. Row 26 (WS): Using yarn A, K1, *brk1, sl1yo, rep from * to last st, K1, turn. Rows 23 to 26 form 2-colour brioche rib.

Cont in 2-colour brioche rib until work meas 8cm from markers, ending after a repeat of row 26 and with RS facing for the next pair of rows.

Now using yarn B in place of yarn C, work in 2-colour brioche rib for a further 8cm (so work meas 16cm from markers), ending after a repeat of row 26 and with RS facing for the next pair of rows. Remove stitch markers.

Change to 3.75mm straight needles. ***

Using yarn A, knit 2 rows. Using yarn C, knit 2 rows. Rep last 4 rows, 3 times more. Using yarn A, knit 2 rows.

Now rep from *** to *** once more, but using yarn B (instead of yarn C) for first 8cm and yarn C (instead of yarn B) for second 8cm section.

This completes the first full pattern and stripe repeat, with each full rep made up of 2 sections of striped garter st and 2 sections of 2-colour brioche rib.

Now rep from ** 4 times more (so there are now 5 full pattern and stripe repeats in total).

Work rows 1 to 18 once more, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.


Block gently, following any yarn care instructions on the ball band.


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