
3 min read

Treat your feet to these cheerful socks, with stranded colourwork in three bright shades


STRANDED COLOURWORK socks always feel delightfully snuggly on your feet, thanks to their double-thickness fabric. This pair from Carol Meldrum will certainly lift your spirits, with their cheerful combination of red, teal and purple. They’re knitted top-down, using red for the cast-on before moving to purple for the ribbing. Carol has used an afterthought heel to make knitting the colourwork easier. Her design is worked in West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4ply, a classic sock yarn which is available in an extensive choice of solid, striping and self-patterning colourways.


(both alike)


Using 2.25mm DPNs (or circular needles, 80cm long, if using the Magic Loop method), and yarn A, and the long-tail or thumb cast-on method, cast on 64 sts. Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.

Fasten off yarn A and join in yarn B.

Round 1: *K1, P1; rep from * to end. Rounds 2-5: Rep round 1. Round 6: Knit to end.


Change to 3mm needles.

Using the Fair Isle technique (stranding colour not in use loosely across the back of the work), work Chart A, repeating the 16-st rep 4 times across the round and changing colours as required.

Work rounds 1-30 of Chart A twice.

Work should measure approx 14cm from cast-on edge. The heel will be placed here, and will measure 5cm from this point to base of heel. If you would like a longer leg, work rounds 1-15 of Chart A once more.


Using waste yarn knit the next 31 sts, then slip the sts just worked back onto the RH needle.

Pattern note: the first round of Chart B is worked in knit for the afterthought heel, every following time this is repeated it is worked in 1x1 rib.

Using the Fair Isle technique, work 31-st Chart B, work 16-st Chart A twice, then work the first st from Chart B again, changing colours as required.

*Continue working as set, work Chart B rounds 1-15 twice, and rounds 1-30 from Chart A once.

Work 25 more rounds in Charts A and B as set.

Foot should measure approx 11.5cm from waste yarn. Toe will measure 5.5cm, and heel will measure 5cm to back of foot. If you would like a longer foot, work more rounds of Charts A and B at this point.

Fasten off yarn C.**


Slip 33 sts onto LH needle, using waste yarn knit across 31 sts. Pattern