
3 min read

These socks are sprinkled with little wrapped stitches, and have bands of lace below the cuffs


CAROLINE BIRKETT has been playing with wrapped stitches for her latest sock design. Knitted from the top down, the socks have bands of lace which incorporate wrap stitches, yarnovers, increases and decreases; wrapped stitches are also scattered across the lower legs and feet. Caroline’s design is knitted in Rowan Sock, which gives a soft yet durable fabric with a subtle haze. It’s available in 12 solid and colour-changing options.



Step 1: K2. The stitches are on the RH needle. Step 2: Bring the yarn forward in between the needles. Step 3: Slip the 2 sts from the RH needle to the LH needle.

Step 4: Pass the yarn to the back again in between the needles, wrapping the sts. Pull the yarn so it comfortably draws the stitches together slightly, but doesn’t majorly distort the fabric. Repeat steps 1-4 twice more.


Rnds 1: K6, W2 (wrap 2 sts - see Special
Techniques), K4.
Rnd 2: K4, (P2, K2) twice.
Rnd 3: K3, K2tog, yo, P1, K2, P1, yo, SSK, K1.
Rnds 4: K3, P3, K2, P3, K1.
Rnd 5: K2, K2tog, yo, P2, K2, P2, yo, SSK.
Rnds 6: (K2, P4) twice,
Rnd 7: K2, P2, K2tog, yo, K2, yo, SSK, P2.
Rnds 8: K2, P3, K4, P3.
Rnd 9: K2, P1, K2tog, yo, K4, yo, SSK, P1.
Rnd 10: K2, P2, K6, P2.
Rnd 11: W2, P2, K2, W2, K2, P2.
Rnd 12: As rnd 10.
Rnd 13: K2, P1, yo, SSK, K4, K2tog, yo, P1.
Rnd 14: K2, P3, K4, P3.
Rnd 15: K2, P2, yo, SSK, K2, K2tog, yo, P2.
Rnd 16: As rnd 6.
Rnd 17: K2, yo, SSK, P2, K2, P2, K2tog, yo.
Rnd 18: As rnd 4.
Rnd 19: K3, yo, SSK, P1, K2, P1, K2tog, yo,
Rnd 20: As rnd 2.
Rnd 21: As rnd 1.
Rnds 22-30: Knit.
Rnd 31: W2, K10.
Rnds 32-40: Knit.



Using 2.5mm needles, cast on 60 (72) sts. Pm and join to work in the rnd, taking care not to twist sts.

Rib rnd: *K2, P1; rep from * to end of rnd. Work last rnd for 4cm.

Next rnd: *W2, P1; rep from * to end of rnd.


Rnds 1-5: Knit.

Work rnds 1-40 of Chart Pattern, repeating the 12-st rep 5 (6) times around.

Work rnds 21-40 until piece measures 16cm or desired length from cast-on edge. Make a note of the last rnd worked, and finish 2 stitches before the beg of rnd marker for Size 1, and 1 stitch beyond the beg of rnd marker for Size 2.


The heel flap is worked back and forth over
the next 30 (36) sts as folls:
Set-up row 1: K30 (36).
Set-up row 2: Sl 1, P to end.

Row 1 (RS): Sl 2, *K1, Sl 1; rep from * to last
2 sts, K2.
Rows 2, and 4 (WS): Sl 1, P to end.
Row 3: *Sl 1, K1; rep from * to end.
Repeat rows 1-4 another 6 (8) times