
4 min read

Feel cool and comfortable on warm summer days in this airy lace tunic


ANNIKEN ALLIS has used simple lace stitch patterns to create a beautifully airy fabric for this summery design. The hip-length tunic has a V-neck, cropped sleeves knitted in stocking stitch, and garter stitch edgings at the hem, cuffs and neckline. Anniken has used The Fibre Co.’s Luma, a DK-weight blend of wool, organic cotton, linen and silk which gives a cool, draping fabric with well defined stitches. Luma is available in 30 sophisticated, glowing colours.


When measuring, stretch and pin the garment to simulate blocking. You may need to put stitches on a longer circular needle or waste yarn.

The sleeves can be made longer. You can try on the sweater as you knit and work to the desired length, remembering that you may need more yarn.


(written instructions) Row 1 (RS): K2, *yo, K2, sk2po, K2, yo, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Rows 2 and 4 (WS): P to end. Row 3: K2, *K1, yo, K1, sk2po, K1, yo, K2; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 5: K2, *K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K3; rep from
* to last st, K1. Rows 6 and 8: P1, K to last st, P1. Row 7: K to end. Rows 9-16: Rep rows 1-8. Row 17: K to end. Row 18: P to end. Row 19: K2, *K2tog, (yo) twice, SSK; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 20: P1, *P2, P1tbl, P3, P1tbl, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2. Row 21: K2, *K2, K1tbl, K3, K1tbl, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 22: P to end. Row 23: K2, *yo, SSK, K2tog, (yo) twice, SSK, K2tog, yo; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 24: P1, *P4, P1tbl, P2, P1tbl; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2. Row 25: K2, *K4, K1tbl, K2, K1tbl; rep from
* to last st, K1.

Rows 26 and 28: P1, K to last st, P1. Row 27: K to end.

Rows 29-40: Rep rows 17-28.


Using 4mm needles, cast on 91 (99:107:115:123) sts.


Row 1 (WS): K to end. Knit 6 further rows.


Working from Chart or written instructions, cont as follows: Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of chart, working the 8-st rep 11 (12:13:14:15) times. Row 2 (WS): Work Row 2 of chart, working the 8-st rep 11 (12:13:14:15) times.

Cont in patt as set until Back measures 38 (38½:39½:40½:41½) cm, ending after a WS row and noting which row you finish on. Place a marker at beg and end of final row.**

Cont in patt as set until Back measures 59 (60:61½:63½:65) cm, ending after a WS row.


Row 1 (RS): K28 (31:35:38:42), K2tog, K1, turn. Place rem sts on hold. 30 (33:37:40:44) sts. Row 2 (WS): P1, P2tog, P to end. 29 (32:3