
4 min read

A rich palette of colours inspired by Hebridean landscapes decorates this classic Fair Isle waistcoat



Charts are worked in stocking stitch unless otherwise noted. Both pockets are worked at the same time and separated by steeks. Cast on for steek sts using backwards-loop cast-on.


Using 3.25mm DPNS and yarn A, cast on 64 (68:68:68:76:80:80:84:84:88) sts. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Pm for beg of rnd, pm after first 27 (29:29:29:33:35:35:37:37:39) sts for first pocket, pm after foll 5 sts for steek, then after foll 27 (29:29:29:33:35:35:37:37:39) sts for second pocket. Final 5 sts serve as second steek.

Rnd 1: Beg with st 3 (3:5:7:7:9:9:11:13:15) of chart, work Main Chart to mrk, ending with st 13 (15:1:3:7:11:11:15:1:5), slm, work Steek Chart to mrk, beg with st 4 (2:16:14: 10:6:6:2:16:12), work Main Chart to mrk, ending with st 14 (14:12:10:10:8:8:6:4:2), slm, work Steek Chart to end of rnd.

Cont in patt, completing all 32 rnds of Main Chart, then work rnds 1-4 once more. Next rnd: *Patt to mrk, remove mrk, cast off next 5 sts, remove mrk; rep from * once more.

Place each set of 27 (29:29:29:33:35:35:37: 37:39) remaining sts on separate holders. Secure steeks and cut. Set aside.


With 80cm length 3.25mm circular needles and A, cast on 240 (256:272:288: 304:320:336:352:368:384) sts. Row 1 (RS): K3, *P2, K2; rep from* to last st, K1.

Work Rows 1-19 of Rib Chart, ending after a WS row.

Row 20 (RS): Following Row 20 of Rib Chart, work 60 (64:68:72:76:80:84:88: 92:96) sts in patt, pm for side seam, patt 121 (129:137:145:153:161:169:177:185:193), pm for side seam, patt to last st, KFB. Do not turn. Place front steek mrk. Using yarn A, cast on 11 steek sts to RH needle and join to work in the rnd. Pm for beg of rnd. 252 (268:284:300:316:332:348:364:380: 396) sts; 241 (257:273:289:305:321:337:353: 369:385) sts for Body, 11 sts for steek.


Rnd 1: Work Main Chart to front steek mrk, working 16-st rep 15 (16:17:18:19:20:21:22: 23:24) times in total, work Steek Chart to end of rnd.

Cont in patt as set through rnd 32 of charts, then work rnds 1-5 once more.


Next rnd: Patt 18 (18:20:22:22:24:24:26:28: 30), place next 27 (29:29:29:33:35:35:37:37: 39) sts on holder, cont in patt across 27 (29: 29:29:33:35:35:37:37:39) held sts of first pocket, patt to mrk, slm, patt to mrk, slm, patt 15 (17:19:21:21:21:25:25:27:27), p

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