Your letters

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Mice: can’t they do a lot of damage? Top Pitch

During the winter months, my motorhome stood on a gravel drive to help protect against mice. I placed poison in the top cupboards, under beds and around the floor.

I put mint/clove essence spray in any possible entry points, even drawers. I also bought a special plug, which apparently uses ultrasound to deter the little blighters.

Hoping the ’van was safe for the winter, I waited for spring. Feeling smug about my efforts, spring soon came.

Into the ’van I went and there was no sign of anything amiss. Relief.

On leaving, I went through the cab and casually opened the glovebox for my pen. Guess what?

Yes, the rodents had struck, eating my sweets in a sealed plastic bag. The corner of my map had been chewed and some wires had been nibbled.

A few swear words were used. It seems, even with all the preparations, the little blighter has still outwitted me.

On my upset wife’s instructions, I completely emptied the ’van. No joy. Not a sign of the mouse.

So, before the next lay up, what can I do to protect the ’van and defeat these clever little creatures?

Mike Fletcher

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Step-by-step licence

Thank you to Dennis O’Leary for his advice on the renewing of a driving licence with the C categories at the age of 70 (Dec 2023, p16).

After applying for the D2 and D4 forms, then completing the optical and medical hurdles, I sent off all the documents to the DVLA (under special delivery).

My new licence arrived only eight days later.

What a relief and well done, too, to the DVLA – 10 out of 10.

Alan Jennison

Peeling vinyl doors

Regarding the ongoing discussion about peeling vinyl on interior doors (April, p119), I had exactly this problem, but on my built-in cupboards at home.

Our built-in wardrobe doors were vinyl-wrapped MDF and peeled and cracked.

After my cack-handed attempts at repair failed and looked a mess, I finally bit the bullet and decided to look for some replacements.

I found

which was brilliant. It can match most colours, sizes and styles and was really helpful.

It will do the whole transaction remotely if required but, being based in Huntingdon and because I had an upcoming trip

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