Tim’s a titan of non-league

1 min read

ISUZU Unsung Hero

SIMPLY THE BEST: Unsung Hero Tim Fuell, left, receives his award from Isuzu’s Ben Wabe-Smith
PICTURE: Matt Bristow

NON-LEAGUE legend Tim Fuell was taken aback when he was surprised with the Isuzu Unsung Hero award.

Fuell has been a stalwart and relentless champion of the Non-League game for over three decades through his association with Hayes & Yeading United as well as presenter and producer of The Non-League Football Show and regularly writing for The Non-League Paper.

His award was kept secret from him until the awards ceremony at AFC Wimbledon’s Plough Lane, and Fuell revealed he was flattered to be honoured by those who have also dedicated themselves to the Non-League game.

“It was certainly a surprise, I wasn’t expecting it,” he said. “These guys are my friends – they were my friends but didn’t tell me I was going to win this award so maybe I’ll have to reconsider that!


“I’ve known these guys since they first started at The Non-League Paper and have put their whole lives into reporting the Non-League game and it is stronger than ever.

“It’s just great to be in a room full of people that enjoy Non-League football.”

Fuell was part of the original team working on The Non-League Paper and has continued to contribute ever since, alongside running media duties for Hayes & Yeading United – where he is also secretary – and previously at Yeading FC.

It means Fuell has an impressive record of service to the game, and he revealed it is the people that keep him coming back season after season.


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