Conductor smith hits the right note

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LANCASHIRE commenced their campaign with a bonus-point victory over a spirited Somerset, conducted by fly-half, Greg Smith.

In both team’s opener in this competition, the crowd gathered inside Fylde were treated to an all-action encounter.

The first score took only two minutes to arrive, Somerset outside centre Jonathan Cook swerving over to commence the try-fest. Flyhalf Ash Groves converted. Lancashire levelled straight away as their own No.13 Oli Glasse, glided through Somerset’s defence, Smith’s conversion making it 7-7 inside five minutes

No.8 Toby Harrison notched Lancashire’s second try, maximised by Smith’s conversion.

Somerset responded when persistent pushing in the attacking 22 finally paid off as referee, James O’Brien awarded a penalty try. Smith landed a penalty but again Somerset struck back. Hooker Kacey Pike powered over and Groves’ conversion put his side four points ahead.

Three more from Smith narrowed the gap before, right on half-time, Lancashire landed a telling blow. Scrum-half Matt Sturgess soared in and Smith converted.

The Lancashire fly-half increased his impressive haul to 15 with another ice-cool penalty to put the hosts nine clear early in the second half.

That advantage was extended as replacement Sam Russell roared away from tiring Somerset bodies to dot down Lancashire’s bonus-point try. Smith, again, landed the additional two.

Somerset struck the next blow, Pike doubling up his try tally for the day to ensure a bonus-point. Groves’ third successful kick narrowed the margin to nine.

Lancashire had an

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