You talkin’ to me?

3 min read



Stand-up comedian and actor Patton Oswalt hosting game show The 1% Club

You talkin’ to me?

I am talking to you, after I listen to you, and here’s what a movie nerd I amI know that everyone says, ‘Oh, that’s Taxi Driver,’ but it’s [inspired by] the movie Shane and Travis Bickle is quoting the dialogue at the bar between Shane and the guy he gets in a fight with. Sorry, I’m a big nerd!

Do you have an off switch?

I do have an off switch and unfortunately it’s called social media and Twitter. That’s when I kind of disengage from the world and deal with this fake world of electrons. That’s my off switch.

Who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?

That’s Ben Kenobi talking to Han Solo [in Star Wars]. I think the fool is still the more foolish because he has to do the stupid stuff first. The fool following him is just doing secondhand foolishness.

What’s normal, anyways?

I don’t think that there is a ‘normal’. I think that’s why there’s so much anxiety and tension. There’s people that are trying to cling to what used to be normal because those are rules you can learn; it’s like ‘OK, good, I know the rules, I can just survive.’ But if we throw those rules out the window, that makes a lot of people really agitated.

What’s your favourite scary movie?

I’m not trying to be a movie snobbut [for me] nothing tops the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre. To this day, the movie itself looks like it’s evil. The film stock looks like it’s evil. The whole movie is infected with evil.

What kind of a man are you?

Anyone who tells you what kind of man or woman or person they are, and they’re not at the end of their life, they don’t know yet. You don’t know until you get to the very end. That’s when you know.

We all go a little mad sometimes, haven’t you?

Yes – all you gotta do is look at my eBay purchases to confirm that!

What will you be drinking, sir?

Is that Lloyd, the bartender from The Shining? I will either be drinking a red wine from the Barossa Valley of Australiaany red wine that comes out of there is deliciousor a single malt Scotch, preferably an Auchentoshan or a McCarthy’s. No ice. No mixer. Ice water on the side to chase it if you need it. Neat.

Why don’t you tell me the story of your life?

What’s really great about asking someone the story of their life is you’re always asking them to pause in the middle of it and do a ‘previously on’ rather than give you the entire story. That’s what I love about that

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