Camp out on dartmoor

3 min read

Dartmoor 6


Discover the untamed moorland, deep river valleys and rocky peaks of Dartmoor National Park with a wild night out.

Approaching Lints Tor.

The right to wild camp continues in Dartmoor amid controversy of a recent legal ruling, and this route is the perfect introduction to Dartmoor’s special qualities.

Starting from Meldon Reservoir (or Okehampton train station if you’re able to go car-less) you’ll walk through a magical mossy oak woodland, follow the path of steep river ravines, feel the wide-open space of untamed moorland and stand atop weathered rocky tors. Dartmoor is not a place of mountain terrain, but its rolling tops reach over 620m and have more than enough character and interest to captivate any lover of wild places. There’s a multitude of options for camping along the way, depending on what time of day you start walking. You can camp up high, on a riverside, or in the shelter of one of the many rocky formations. Just make sure you check your intended camp spot against the permitted areas map ( This route also passes through Dartmoor’s live firing range, so it’s essential to check the firing times before you go, and look out for any red flags and warnings (tinyurl. com/dartmoor-firing).

Ready to camp high on the tor.

1 SX561917 Cross the dam onto the far side of the reservoir and keep to the footpath around to its southern tip where there are two footbridges. Cross over the first bridge and leave the reservoir circular path to head on a path heading roughly south. Once through the open flat grassy grounds of Vellake Corner begin a gentle climb keeping the West Okement River to your right. Go through the Black-a-Tor Nature Reserve, a lovely ancient oak woodland (no camping in here). The ground eventually opens out to a view of Lints Tor ahead.

2 SX571883 Depending on the time of day, this is one potential riverside camp spot. But you’ve also just entered a military firing range. You should have already checked if it’s safe on the Gov firing times website, but flags will be out if firing. Take a direct ascent up to the top of Lints Tor – there’s an intermittent path, but just follow your nose to its stack of rock that looks like a shelter. Then follow pathless ground north-east to Dinger Tor, which is more like a rocky edge, from which to survey the view. From there head north-west on a gentle ascent to High Willhays, the highest of Dartmoor’s Tors at 621m.

3 SX580892 Head north on a slight undulatio

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