Get to know: predators of the uplands

3 min read


These are 10 of the largest meat-eaters to have stalked the UK mountains, not including the most obvious and dominant (humans), and perhaps the most psychotic (weasels). A full list would run to pages, including insects, birds and small fluffies. Some are obligate carnivores, others are inveterate snackers, eating almost anything with a moderately high calorie count.


SCOTTISH WILDCAT Felis silvestris

EATS: Rabbits by preference, followed by rodents and ground-nesting birds, but they’ll also take fresh roadkill when it’s on offer. FIND THEM: In mixed age woodland and edgelands between trees and moor, scrub or rough pasture. Used to be found across Britain but now exclusively Scotland north of the Central Belt.

APEX PREDATOR? Functionally. Once, they would have been preyed upon by lynx and wolves. Foxes and eagles will take kittens if given the chance.

PINE MARTEN Martes martes

EATS: All sorts, including rodents, birds, beetles, carrion, eggs and fungi. Berries make up a large part of the diet in autumn. FIND THEM: In woodland (preferably coniferous) in the north-west Highlands and Grampians, with isolated populations in southern Scotland and some very small populations in England and north Wales. There are only 3000-4000 animals total in the UK.

APEX PREDATOR? Nope. Preyed upon by eagles, foxes and owls.

Golden eagle – I’ll eat the lot of you.


EATS: Mainly earthworms but actually almost anything from roots, berries, fungi and carrion to birds, lizards, rodents and young rabbits. Like most in the Mustelidae family, they are bold in the pursuit of food, excavating wasp nests to get at the grubs and actively hunting hedgehogs.

FIND THEM: All over the place – woodlands, gardens, rough pasture and moorlands across the British mainland.

APEX PREDATOR? Functionally, when adult (though brown bears would once have had a go). Cubs can be vulnerable to golden eagles and, elsewhere, wolves and lynx.

RED FOX Vulpes vulpes

EATS: Absolutely all sorts. Foxes will hunt small mammals, such as voles and rabbits, by preference but also eat insects, worms, grubs, berries, carrion and whatever food can be dragged out of a bin.

FIND THEM: All over the British mainland and Skye. Increasingly in urban areas but also woodlands, arable land, rough pasture and moorlands.

APEX PREDATOR? Functionally. Lynx, wolves and bears may hunt foxes (though not usually by preference). Golden eagles may take foxes, and other raptors fox cubs.

OTTER Lutra lutra

EATS: Voracious for live prey, favouring trout and salmon or frogs in spring. They’ll also take other fish, crustaceans (especially along the coast), water birds, insects and small mammals, even you

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