Game, set-ups and match

11 min read


Jim Coates talks salmon tactics with tackle-trade stalwart and accomplished competition angler, James Robbins

James Robbins and Monty on Beat 3 of the River Thurso.

JAMES IS A WELL-KNOWN, FRIENDLY face in the tackle industry, a long-serving brand manager for Shakespeare and heavily involved with the outstanding Oracle series. He has also worked in product design and even had a stint in sales. When Shakespeare’s owner Pure Fishing bought Hardy Greys, its Redditch office near Birmingham was closed, and administrative operations were subsequently based in Alnwick. After two years of travelling to Northumberland from his home in Warwickshire, recognising that he didn’t want to relocate, James co-founded Cadence Fishing in 2017. In the salmon world, he’s noted for his meticulous attention to detail and an impressive strike rate, especially when conditions get tricky.

JIM Some of the very best salmon anglers I’ve met are all-round anglers or have a background in different forms of fishing. I know you do a lot of match angling; do you think that influences you as a salmon angler?

JAMES When I’m match fishing, there might be 60-70 people fishing, so there are good pegs and bad pegs. That’s just how it is, and there are variable conditions. The key is to adapt. You don’t want the wrong mindset, feeling stuck on a bad peg for five hours. You need to make the best of it. You seldom get perfect conditions when salmon fishing. I wonder if sometimes salmon-fishers are quick to make excuses. For me, that’s a key part of the challenge and I thrive on that.

JIM When you’re in salmon mode, would you describe yourself as competitive?

JAMES No, salmon fishing is a great release for me. It’s wonderfully social and I love that, the time with friends, but I can also go and fish hard and really embrace the challenge. I particularly enjoy fishing early in the morning. It’s a special time, then perhaps a snooze in the day. Others can enjoy a relaxed start. It’s great because it can be what you want it to be. People can get what they want and need from it.

JIM What have you noticed that you’re doing differently to others?

JAMES I’ve noticed my leaders are quite a bit longer than most, especially when I’m fishing with small flies.

JIM Can you give me an example?

JAMES I was fishing the Tweed last week. It was low and so I went with a 24ft leader. I exclusively use fluoro, which I know is contentious. In this instance, I stepped it down from 25lb to 23lb to 19lb and then 16lb at the end. That’s another point: I’d never normally talk about breaking strain - it would be diameter. That’s what matters.

JIM What determines the size or strength of the final section?