
5 min read

Your comments and opinion on game-fishing matters

Pipe dream

UK builders tell us they need to build thousands of new homes, which the Tories agree with, but is anyone putting pressure on the water companies to increase capacity where these homes are to be built? We’ve seen no development in capacity where new estates have mushroomed, putting pressure on waste processing and possibly accounting for daily dumping even in hot weather. Is there a joined-up plan?

Last fish

I am one of those older fishers who still occasionally hope to take a fish for the pot. I know it is frowned upon by many, although for the record I return almost all fish I am fortunate to land. Nothing can better a self-caught salmon, smoked by a specialist to perfection and shared with the family on a special occasion or during the festive season.

This year, the fishing gods smiled on me and in late July on the Tweed I caught a suitable fish for smoking. It was taken to Frank Scott at Coldstream. I have just received my fish back from him, and it will be my last. Sadly, Frank, who has not been in the best of health, is retiring. His smokery and the hospitality at his B&B will be sorely missed by all those who know him and whom he greets each season as old friends. It is the end of an era, not just for Frank, but for many old fishers whose Christmases were made additionally special as the fruits of Frank’s expertise were tasted and toasted.

Frank must have many interesting tales to tell of the Tweed, its catches and its tenants. Have a long and well-deserved retirement, Frank.

Thank you for your expertise and welcoming nature.


In the October issue, we should have made clear that to fish the section of river featured in the article “A Teviot Grayling” all anglers, including guests at Schloss Roxburghe, require a Kelso AA permit (daily, weekly or full season) which are available from Eoin Fairgrieve at the Country Sports Centre.

Sign of the times

I wonder if any of your readers can help me? Recently and sadly, I attended a memorial service for my longtime best friend, an emin